open breath

Embodied Presence
Demystifying Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness
Service Description
When: Thursday 5:45 - 7:15pm 5 Classes Starting November 14, 2019 Where: Yoga Jai 105 Rutherford St, Nelson Entrance opposite Hyundai (up stairs) Cost $20 casual attendance or $80 for all 5 sessions if prepaid before first class. For Information & Registration: Contact Jonathan: info@openbreath.org 021 1860 476 Description The intention of these classes is to help demystify the practice of yoga, meditation and mindfulness - by bringing us in direct contact with embodied presence. We will use gentle physical practices derived from yoga and qigong (chi-kung) to soften our experience of body. On top of this, we will learn how to uncover, recognise and rest in the qualities of innate presence. While we may be shaped by this world, we need not be defined by it. By developing trust in this knowledge, we begin to uncover our essential freedom. With this, our practice of yoga and meditation (whatever tradition we work with) can become a genuine path of awakening.

Contact Details
+ 021 1860476
13 Seymour Ave, The Brook, Nelson 7010, New Zealand